Cara Otomatis Mengirim File PDF Setelah User Submit Google Form

“Bikin Google Form Auto Kirim PDF? Bisa Kok, Gampang!” Pernah nggak sih kamu isi formulir online terus tiba-tiba dapet email berisi file PDF otomatis? Nah, di tutorial ini, kita bakal belajar cara bikin fitur keren itu! Setiap kali seseorang mengisi Google Form, mereka akan langsung menerima email berisi file PDF dengan datanya. Cocok banget buat […]
Introducing the Xendit Payment Handler for Elementor – The Ultimate Solution for Seamless Payment Integration!

Are you using Elementor forms and want to easily integrate a reliable payment gateway? Look no further! The Xendit Payment Handler for Elementor plugin is your all-in-one solution for generating dynamic payment invoices directly from Elementor form submissions. Perfect for businesses, online services, and e-commerce sites looking for a quick, hassle-free payment experience. Why Choose […]
Fix Windows Sharing Printer Windows 10 & Windows 11 | 100% Works!!!

Fixing Printer Sharing Between Windows 10 and 11: A Real Struggle, But You Can DIY! Alright, let’s talk about the nightmare that is sharing a printer between Windows 10 and Windows 11. It’s supposed to be straightforward, right? Just “share the printer”—done. But nope, more often than not, you’re left clicking around through settings, hitting […]
Fix Windows Sharing Printer Windows 10 & Windows 11 | 100% Works!!!

Hello Guys, Still Having Trouble with Sharing Printers on Windows 10 & 11? Haha, I don’t know, maybe it’s a Windows trick to make you buy the original version. Since I was also frustrated with the Windows Update feature that caused this printer sharing issue, I lazily put together a way to fix it. It […]
Mengatasi Error Pada Sharing Printer Windows 10 & Windows 11 [BERBAYAR]

Halo Ges, Masih Bermasalah Sama Windows 10 & 11 Untuk Sharing Printernya ? wkwk, Entah emang ini akal” an windows biar kalian beli Windows Ori kali ya, berhubung saya juga kesel sama fitur Update windows yg menyebabkan gabisa sharing printer ini, akhirnya Dengan Malas saya bikin juga cara ngakalin nya. Bentuk Nya Script BAT […]
ImagePro Bot: Asisten Telegram untuk Mengedit Foto dengan Mudah

Pengenalan ImagePro Bot Dalam era digital saat ini, kebutuhan akan pengeditan foto semakin meningkat, baik untuk keperluan profesional maupun pribadi. Memperkenalkan ImagePro Bot, asisten Telegram Anda yang dirancang untuk memudahkan segala kebutuhan pengeditan foto Anda. Dengan ImagePro Bot, transformasi foto menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat, tanpa perlu keahlian khusus dalam mengedit foto. Fitur-Fitur Unggulan ImagePro […]

dah baca sendiri <?php require_once($_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’].’/wp-load.php’); function handle_xendit_webhook() { ob_start(); // Start output buffering to prevent premature output // Two different expected tokens from Xendit $expected_live = ‘token’; $expected_demo = ‘token’; // Choose which token to use $expected_token = $expected_live; // Change to …. // Retrieve token sent in the webhook request header $received_token = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_CALLBACK_TOKEN’] […]
XENDIT x Elementor Form X ACF

Buat Form, Ubah status send Form Jadi POST jangan lupa masukan webhook url *Note : Semua Action After submit Bakal tidak befungsi CODE <?php require_once($_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’].’/wp-load.php’); function send_order_confirmation_email($data) { $to = ’[email protected],[email protected]’; // Replace with the recipient email address $subject = ‘#’.$data[‘externalId’].’ Ada Pesanan Website ‘. $data[‘productName’] . ‘ dari ‘ . $data[‘firstName’].’ ‘. $data[‘lastName’] […]
Elementor Form To Google Sheet Product Loop

Pelajari Sendiri ye var emailNotification = false; var emailAddress = “[email protected]”; var isNewSheet = false; var receivedData = []; function doGet(e) { return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(“Yep this is the webhook URL, request received”); } function doPost(e) { var params = JSON.stringify(e.parameter); params = JSON.parse(params); insertToSheet(params); return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(“post […]
Elementor Form To Google Sheet Regulary Use

Ini bukan code yang ayas tulis sendiri, kalean bebas memakai kalau tau maksudnya wkowkwokwk /* Google app-script to utilise Elementor Pro Forms webhook * From : */ var emailNotification = false; /* Change to true to enable email notifications */ var emailAddress = “[email protected]”; /* EDIT this to your email */ // DO NOT […]