Elementor webhook Time

Pelajari Sendiri ya add_filter(‘http_request_timeout’, function($timeout, $url = ”) { $start_with = ‘https://script.google.com’; // Check if the $url starts with the specified webhook URL return is_string($url) && strncmp($url, $start_with, strlen($start_with)) ===

Pelajari Sendiri ya

add_filter(‘http_request_timeout’, function($timeout, $url = ”) {
$start_with = ‘https://script.google.com’;

// Check if the $url starts with the specified webhook URL
return is_string($url) && strncmp($url, $start_with, strlen($start_with)) === 0
? 40 // Set the timeout to 20 seconds for this webhook
: $timeout; // Return the unchanged timeout for other requests
}, 10, 2);