Tutorial Fix Sharing Printer Pada Windows 10 & Windows 11 (Semua Error) | Berhasil 100%

Oke, mari kita bahas masalah klasik: sharing printer antara Windows 10 Ke Windows 11, Windows 11 ke 10, atau Antar Windows Dengan Versi yang sama. Seharusnya sih gampang, ya? Tinggal klik “share printer”—beres. Tapi nggak, kebanyakan kita malah terjebak bolak-balik pengaturan, mentok sana-sini, dan mungkin sampai ngomel-ngomel ke layar komputer. Seringnya, kita stuck di masalah […]
Fix Windows Sharing Printer Windows 10 & Windows 11 | 100% Works!!!

Fixing Printer Sharing Between Windows 10 and 11: A Real Struggle, But You Can DIY! Alright, let’s talk about the nightmare that is sharing a printer between Windows 10 and Windows 11. It’s supposed to be straightforward, right? Just “share the printer”—done. But nope, more often than not, you’re left clicking around through settings, hitting […]